The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive, destructive insect that first arrived in Berks County in 2014. It was somewhat limited to Berks county and western Montgomery county but it is here now and has been sighted in Haverford Township.
The insect infests, feeds upon, and introduces disease to over 70 different species of trees and plants found in Pennsylvania. The potential for economic damage and residential property destruction is enormous. You can help limit the spread of and damage caused by this pest.
The program will be presented by Janae Alberts and Joe Daniels, Delaware County Master Gardeners (Penn State Extension). Participants will learn about the insect’s history, how to identify it through its stages of development, and how to limit the spread of the insect and minimize its damage to your property, trees and community.
Registration Required.
Ages: Adult
Presented By: Janae Alberts and Joe Daniels, Delaware County Master Gardeners (Penn State Extension)
Cost: Free
Contact: Mary at
Bookings are no longer available for this event.