CRISPR is a term that has become a hot topic in recent years. It is frequently thrown around by scientists and celebrities alike, and is said to have extraordinary capabilities. However, what does CRISPR actually mean? What does it do? Why is it so important? The presenter, Jerry Rullo, will answer these questions and more through research collected during an independent study at the William Penn Charter School. The presentation will focus on the natural and scientific applications of the CRISPR-Cas9, a biological system native to bacteria, in gene editing. A modern history, from discovery to Nobel-winning application to groundbreaking current research, is discussed. The presentation centers around documented experimentation with CRISPR in the E.coli genome. In conjunction with the experiment, a detailed explanation is provided of the basic components of CRISPR and how it works. Subsequently, a deep dive will be taken into modern-day applications and the immense potential CRISPR holds for the future, as well as the debate regarding ethical concerns. The presentation seeks to provide a complex understanding of gene-editing in terms that everyone can grasp and insight into a rapidly evolving and highly consequential scientific field. CRISPR-Cas9, one of the most sought-after topics in academic research, is the biological field of the future.
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