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The library collection needs continuous evaluation in order to keep on target with the library’s mission and to provide materials to meet customer’s interests and needs in a timely manner. Statistical tools such as circulation reports, collection turnover rates, document delivery studies, fill rates, reference fill rates, statistical samplings, and new materials counts should be used to determine how the collection is being used and how it should change to answer customer needs. The materials themselves should be assessed for their physical condition and their use.
Qualitative standards include checking subject areas against standard bibliographic tools and recommended subject lists to be sure that the library is acquiring recommended materials. Customer input and community/user surveys should also be used to aid in the evaluation of the library materials collection.
Through these ongoing quantitative and qualitative methods, the Director, the Assistant Director, Reference Manager, and selectors can monitor the collection to see that it is serving its public. The Collection Development Policy should be reviewed and revised periodically to insure a document that continues to answer the needs of the library and its community.
Approved by the Haverford Township Free Library Board of Trustees 7/16/03