The Democratization of (Mis)Information: Fake News In America

Event Details

The term “fake news” may be new, but the phenomenon has been around for a long time. From 19th century broadsheets to the emergence of cable television and internet, the American media industry has been honing a particular approach to reporting “the new” that puts political, economic, and social ends on par with speaking truthfully. But what exactly is “fake news” and why is it such a big deal? After all, isn’t everyone entitled to express their opinion? Isn’t everyone working an angle? In this talk, Dr. Jim Caccamo will explore the different media practices that we now refer to together as “fake news,” and suggest that if we want to see a world that supports flourishing rather than just winning, we need to find, support, and produce media that expresses the truth.


About our presenter:

James Caccamo, PhD is Associate Professor of Social Ethics and Chair of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Saint Joseph’s University (Philadelphia). A former computer programmer, Jim’s work focuses on the moral implications of technology and media practices.


Cost: Free
Contact: Mary at