Business Resources


Find US businesses and residential listings with customized searches.  Helps users create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis, raise funds and locate people. Access from anywhere with a valid library card. 

Regional Business News (EBSCO Host)

Provides full text for nearly 100 regional U.S. and Canadian business publications, and includes business journals, newspapers, and newswires. 



Weiss Financial Ratings

Independent and unbiased financial strength ratings for banks and credit unions, stocks and mutual funds, and all types of insurance companies including HMOs; customized Medicare Supplemental Insurance (MediGap) buyer's guide that includes plan features, pricing, and regional availability. Financial literacy tools are included.

Provides a unified site for interaction between grant applicants and the U.S. Federal agencies that manage grant funds. Use their Grants Learning Center to learn more about the federal grants lifecycle, policies on grants management, and profiles on grant-making agencies.  

Books, Magazines, Newspapers in the Library

The non-fiction section 650-659 includes books on a wide range of business topics including how to write a business plan, marketing a business, entrepreneurship, resume and cover letter information, running a successful business, management and many other topics.  Reference books include Statistical Abstract of the United States (REF 317.3 STA), and Book of Business Lists (from the Philadelphia Business Journal REF 338.002 BOO).