
KinderPrep offers older preschoolers, ages 4 and 5, and a caregiver the opportunity to listen to stories and engage in activites that will enhance their skills for kindergarten.

Purpose of the Program: To provide a space for older preschoolers, with their caregiver, to connect with reading and fun while enjoying activites geared towards kindergarten readiness.

KinderPrep Programs IncludeAge appropriate books, exploration of mathematical reasoning, basic literacy, scientific observation, investigative skills, and more.

Benefits: Helps your child with kindergarten readiness; Quality time for child/caregiver; Support, camaraderie with other caregivers

Please help us provide the best experience for all by selecting an age-appropriate storytime for your child!

Ages: 4 and 5 year olds and a caregiver
Cost: Free
Contact: HTFL Youth Services at