Board of Trustees & Governance

The Haverford Township Free Library is governed by a seven member Board of Trustees. Three Trustees are elected by the Haverford Township Free Library Association (A) and four are appointed by the Haverford Township Board of Commissioners (T).

The affairs of the library are under exclusive control of the Board of Trustees as follows: Responsibility for Legal Issues, Financial Oversight, Policy Making, Operating and Administrative Policy, Strategic Planning and Evaluation, and Advocacy.

The Haverford Township Free Library's Board of Trustees meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM, excluding August.

Please refer to the following for more information:

Board of Trustees

Margaret Fox-Tully

President (A)

Alyce Callison

Vice President (A)

Debbie Cella

Treasurer (T)

Deb Morley

Secretary (T)

Deirdre Cryor

Board Member (T)

Phil Goldsmith

Board Member (T)

J. Scott Lowe

Board Member (A)

Our Monthly Board Meeting will be held in-person on

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 at 7pm at the CREC

2024 Library Board of Trustees Meetings

Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 7pm (except where noted below)

January 17, 2024

February 21, 2024

March 20, 2024

April 17, 2024

May 15, 2024- Annual Library Association Meeting. Regular Monthly Board Meeting immediately afterward.

June 18, 2024 (Meeting will be held the 3rd Tuesday this month)

July 17, 2024

August 21, 2024 (No Meeting in August)

September 18, 2024

October 16, 2024

November 20, 2024

December 18, 2024

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Click on a year and then a month to see a downloadable PDF for the corresponding meeting minutes.

The Association

Plans for creating a public library in Haverford Township began in 1933. The citizens involved in the planning process were advised to incorporate the library as an Association which would allow for proper public input and oversight. Association members meet annually, on the third Wednesday in May, to elect three (3) of the library’s seven (7) Board of Trustee members (when terms are up for election). Becoming a member of the Association is one way to make your voice heard in the library. The annual meeting is also the time for Association members to hear about the health and welfare of the library and to exchange ideas with the Board and each other.

In order to join the Association you must:

  • Have a library card
  • Live in Haverford Township
  • Be 18 years old or older

To be eligible to vote at an Annual Meeting, membership must be submitted by the last day in February prior to the May meeting. You may download a PDF of the membership form by clicking here. Once you are a member, you do not have to renew from year to year (there are no dues to become a member). You are only asked to keep your contact information current.