The Haverford Township Free Library is governed by Board of Trustee approved policies. Many of these policies affect the public. Please click on any of the following to see the full policy.
Please contact the library with any questions either in person or by phone at 610-446-3082 with any questions.
The Haverford Township Free Library has established this Behavior Policy to ensure that library facilities are safe, welcoming and provide equitable access to materials and services for all library users.
Individuals must use appropriate behaviors on the premises of the HTFL. An understanding of inappropriate behavior and conduct includes any individual or group activity that is unreasonably disturbing to other individuals lawfully using library facilities, materials and/or premises . When possible, staff will first educate individuals about the applicable policies before taking stronger measures to enforce those policies.
Inappropriate Behaviors shall include the following conduct
Committing or attempting to commit any activity that would constitute a crime.
Possessing, selling, distributing, displaying, or using any dangerous weapon on the library premises.
The library has zero tolerance for physically or verbally intimidating behaviors.
Possessing, selling, distributing, consuming, or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance.
Trespassing by entering or remaining on library premises after having been notified by an authorized individual not to do so.
Entering or remaining in the library during the period in which an individual has been banned from the premises.
Refusing to follow directions of the library staff.
Engaging in any behavior that a person would find to be disruptive, harassing, or threatening in nature to library users or staff.
Leaving children under the age of 11 unattended on library premises.
Disruptive or dangerous behavior, illness or agitation from an unattended or under-attended child or a child not met by a parent/caregiver at closing. In the event that the parent/guardian cannot be located, staff will contact the Haverford Township Police Department.
Engaging in any sexual contact, activities, or conduct.
Selling, soliciting, surveying, or distributing written materials for any political, charitable, or religious purposes inside the library perimeter without prior authorization of the Library Director or designee.
Smoking or other use of tobacco products either within the building or on library property.
Eating meals except during programs.
Drinking from containers without lids. All consumables to be kept away from library computer workstations.
Sleeping in or on library premises.
Engaging in excessive or disruptive conversations, using personal electronic equipment at such a volume or making ongoing noise that is unreasonably disturbing to other library users.
Running, fighting, shoving, or any other roughhousing.
Absence of shirt and shoes.
Use of the public bathrooms for bathing, shaving, washing clothes.
Taking of library materials into restrooms.
Entering or remaining on library premises with a bodily hygiene so offensive that it constitutes a nuisance to others.
Moving furniture without the express consent of the library staff, or use of furniture in any manner that may damage the furniture, to include sitting on tables, standing on furniture or placing feet on furniture.
Seating may not be saved or held for future use by customers.
Damaging of library materials, furniture, equipment, or facilities.
Blocking of aisles with personal items such as an excessive number of bags or leaving such items unattended on library premises at any time. Items may be removed from the library premises if they reasonably appear to be abandoned.
Bringing any animal into the library except service/therapy animals.
Entering non-public areas of the library without permission.
Violating the library’s rules for acceptable use of the internet and library public Computers.
I. Addendum Concerning the Behavior and Supervision of Adults With Special Custodial Needs in the Library
Caregivers are responsible for their charges while in the library. Library employees cannot function as caregivers. The Library is not equipped—and it is not the Library’s role—to provide long-or short-term adult supervision. The Library assumes neither responsibility nor liability for the actions, care, supervision or safety of adults with special needs. If an individual is left in the library without a caregiver, library staff will attempt to contact a family member. In the event that a family member cannot be located, staff will contact the Haverford Township Police Department.
II. Addendum Concerning the Behavior and Supervision of Minors and Children’s Areas of the Library
The Haverford Township Free Library welcomes children. Parents/caregivers are responsible for their child’s safety and behavior while in the Library whether the parent/caregiver is present or not. Library employees cannot function as caregivers, babysitters or act in a parental role.
For the safety and comfort of children, a responsible individual must accompany children under age eleven when they are using the Library. A responsible individual age 13 or older must accompany children under age 11 when they are using the Library. This responsible individual must supervise, guide and control the behavior of their charge or charges at all times.
When a child under 11 is unattended or under-attended, library staff will attempt to contact the parent/guardian of the child. If the parent/guardian cannot be located, staff will contact the police.
III. Addendum concerning Inappropriate Use of Children’s Spaces/Youth Services
Adults are permitted in children’s areas of the library or in the Youth Services Department at the Library when accompanied by a child or if the adult is actively reading, studying and using library materials from the children’s area collections. Computers in the Children’s department are reserved for children or those accompanying a child. Any adult not in compliance with this provision will be asked to use other areas of the library. If the individual does not comply with staff direction or repeatedly violates this policy, the individual may be banned from the Library.
IV. Addendum concerning Staff Response to Behavior Policy Infractions
Violation of these rules can result in expulsion from the library and forfeiture of library privileges. Violations of these rules will first result in library staff attempting to educate or warn individuals about the policies. If an individual continues to violate these policies, staff may order them to leave. However, any conduct that threatens the life or safety of any person or that is damaging to library property, equipment or facilities may result in immediate expulsion from the library premises. Library staff is authorized to contact the Haverford Township Police Department to respond to such situations. Repeat misconduct or severe offenses (even if a single isolated event) may result in individuals being banned from the library for such time as the management deems necessary. Staff will follow established procedures, i.e., filing an incident report and notifying the management and police if necessary.
Approved by HTFL Board of Trustees: 6/20/18
Amended by HTFL Board of Trustees: 1/16/19
Laptop computers that require electrical power may be used only within designated areas of the library. Laptop computers that do not require electrical power may be used anywhere in the library. Under no circumstances may customers hook-up their laptop computer into the library’s computer network. The library assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal laptops while on library premise. Download the complete document here.
Approved 7/16/03
The Haverford Township Free Library, to the best of its ability, will provide the community with professionally selected materials to aid in the pursuit of education, information, research, pleasure, and the creative use of leisure time.The Haverford Township Free Library adheres to the principles of the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to View, and the Freedom to Read statements adopted by the American Library Association.
In a free society, information on different points of view should be readily available to allow individuals to decide which ideas are meaningful to them. The public library is the democratic institution which provides free access to the freedom of thoughts and ideas. The library, consequently, has the responsibility for selecting materials which reflect a wide variety of ideas and may contain controversial points of view. The library has a responsibility to protect the rights of all users; consequently, it does not limit the use of its collection. Although librarians may offer guidance, parents or legal guardians are responsible for the selection, monitoring the reading, listening, and viewing of their children.
The needs, interests, and points of view of the Haverford Township Free Library’s community range over the spectrum of all subjects inherent to contemporary society. The Haverford Township Free Library has a responsibility to provide a diversity of materials in both print and non-print forms. Materials are selected to reflect changes in educational, cultural and intellectual ideas and the impact of new technology within the limitations of budget and space.
Books and other library materials are selected on the basis of literary, educational, information, and recreational value. The responsibility of selection rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Library Board of Trustees.
Director appointed selectors will not exclude titles on the basis of moral, racial, religious, political, or personal prejudice. Titles are selected, within the limitations of the budget, on the critical consensus among recognized subject authorities. Suggestions from customers are encouraged and will be given due consideration.
Material will not be excluded on the basis of what some may consider indecorous, indecent, or graphic language. One person’s or group’s beliefs, philosophies, politics, or interests will not take precedence over the beliefs, philosophies, politics.
The library endorses the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read statement, the Library Bill of Rights and the statements on Labeling Library Materials, Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks, and Free Access to Libraries for Minors.
Download the complete document here.
Approved by the Haverford Township Free Library Board of Trustees 3/19/03
The mission of the Haverford Township Free Library (HTFL) is to provide residents of the Township of Haverford, as well as the public at large, with exemplary access to the broadest possible range of resources, and services that enhance and enrich their lives.
The primary purpose of the HTFL meeting rooms is to support this mission. For this reason, priority for meeting room use is given to Library meetings, activities, and co-sponsored events. Availability of the meeting rooms at all other times subject to the meeting hours below shall be available to organizations/groups on a first-come, first-served basis with preference given to residents of Haverford Township.
Meeting Rooms and Fee Schedule
Meeting Room | Capacity | Non-Profit Fee* | Other Fee |
Board Room | 22 | $25/hour | $40/hour |
Hub | 36 | $35/hour | $50/hour |
Community Room | 139 | $45/hour | $60/hour |
*Proof of non-profit status must be provided.
All fees must be paid in conjunction with the submission of the Application for Use of Meeting Rooms (“Application”) and may be paid by cash, credit card, or check payable to HTFL.
If available, a projector or TV may be rented for a fee of $25 per use.
Meeting Room Availability
When not being used by HTFL or already reserved, all meeting rooms are available for reservation when the Library is open and adequately staffed during the following meeting room hours:
Mon - Wed: 10:00 am - 8:30 pm;
Thurs: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm;
Fri - Sat: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm;
Sun: 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
(Closed Sundays weekend before July 4th to Labor Day)
HTFL encourages the use of meeting rooms and seeks to give organizations and groups the opportunity to use our facilities. Organizations and groups using HTFL facilities cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion or age.
Meeting Rooms may not be reserved for personal events or parties.
The Library reserves the right to assign rooms based on availability, size of group and planned use, in order to accommodate the greatest number of users. The number of
attendees is limited to the maximum of capacity of each room indicated above as determined by the Fire Chief.
If the Library determines that a meeting room will not be available on the date or time the meeting room is reserved, and a satisfactory alternate date or time cannot be identified, then the Library will refund the previously paid room-use fee. The Library is not responsible for costs incurred as a result of the unavailability of a room. Please call the Library in advance of meeting room use to check the status of the room.
The Library Director reserves the right to cancel any meeting should conditions or situations warrant such action.
Permission to use a meeting room does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the Library Board or Staff of the organization’s or group’s policies or beliefs, and no claim to that effect nor claim to Library sponsorship may be used, explicitly or implicitly, in advertising.
Notice of a meeting room cancellation must be received by HTFL Administration at least 48 hours in advance of use. Failure to give 48-hour notice will result in forfeiture of payment. Repeated failure to do so may jeopardize future reservations.
The Library assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to supplies or other items belonging to the organization/group using a meeting room
All meeting rooms are accessible by stairs or elevator and have restrooms on the same level.
The Library Director or designee will review all applications prior to granting approval for meeting room use.
Reserving a Meeting Room
Reservations for meeting room use must be made in advance using the attached application.
A separate application must be completed for each use and each meeting room.
The application is also available on the Library’s website by clicking here: Haverford Meeting Room Application
The submission of an electronic application is considered to be a valid signature.
Meeting room use will not be approved without the prior submission of a completed and signed application form.
The person reserving the meeting room must be 18 years of age or older agree to the terms and conditions of the use of the meeting room.
The person reserving the meeting room will be designated the responsible party and is legally responsible for all damages. All damages must be reported to the Reference Librarian or Library Director immediately and an incident report form must be completed.
Unless approved in writing by the Library Director, meeting room use may be scheduled no more than 90 days in advance.
Unless approved in writing by the Library Director, no more than two applications from any one organization/group will be considered at a time.
Rules for Use
Meeting room users with approved applications must sign in at the Reference Desk upon arrival and sign out when leaving. A/V equipment must be signed out at Reference Desk with a library card and/or a valid ID.
Set-up and clean-up are the responsibility of the person reserving the meeting room. Set-up and clean-up must be completed within the rental period. The Library Staff cannot help with meeting room set-up or clean-up. Clean-up includes returning the meeting room to the cleanliness and configuration it was in upon arrival.
Any person reserving a meeting room that does not adequately clean-up after use will incur a minimum clean-up fee of $50/hour and may be denied future use of the meeting rooms. This fee must be paid immediately and no meeting room reservations by the person reserving the room or the organization/group they represent will be approved until the fee is paid in full. Note that the person reserving the room will not be able to check out any materials from the HTFL until the clean-up fee is paid in full.
The name, address, or logo of the HTFL may not be used as the official address of an organization/group or used in publicity or in a manner that does not clearly identify the sponsoring organization/group. Size of the font on any advertising stating Haverford Township Free Library (HTFL) as the location, must be smaller and less conspicuous than the organization/group sponsoring the meeting. Telephone inquiries must be directed to the person on the meeting room application or the group they represent, not to the Library. The HTFL requires that all print or online publicity be submitted to the Library Administration before dissemination to the public.
Meeting Room users must make arrangements for children. The HTFL cannot assume responsibility for unsupervised children. (See Behavior Policy)
HTFL encourages events that are open to the community free of charge. Any organization charging fees or requesting donations of any kind must have the express written consent of the Library Director.
Organizations/Groups are not permitted to use public areas of the Library as meeting space.
Light refreshments may be permitted with prior written approval from the Library Director. No alcoholic beverages may be served. Smoking is prohibited. No cooking, candles, or open flames are permitted.
Appeals for exceptions to these rules must be made in writing to the Library Director. Only the Library Board may approve exceptions to the policies stated in this document.
Non-Compliance with this policy may result in denial of future use of the library meeting rooms, financial liability for damages, and/or immediate removal from the meeting room.
Download this full document here.
Approved by BOT 9.18.2019
The Haverford Township Free Library Board of Trustees encourages residents to share their views. The Board agenda includes time at the beginning of each meeting for comments. In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the scheduled agenda in an effective and efficient fashion, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation will be permitted at the beginning of each meeting.
All visitors are required to sign in prior to the call to order and to indicate if they wish to speak. Those visitors who have indicated a desire to speak will be recognized in the order in which they signed in.
Each speaker is given three (3) minutes to share her/his views with the Board or Committee. If several persons wish to speak, each will be allotted three (3) minutes until the total public participation time of 30 minutes is used. No person may speak more than once per meeting.If a resident wishes to share additional comments, she/he may schedule an appointment with the Library Director, who will then present a summary of that meeting either to the appropriate Committee of the Board or to the Board of Trustees.
The Board President or Committee Chairperson recognizes each registered speaker. The Trustees listen and do not interact with the speakers. The Board President or Committee Chairperson introduces each speaker and keeps track of the time.
Download the complete document here.
Approved by the Haverford Township Free Library Board of Trustees 7/16/03
A singular obligation of the public library is to reflect within its collection differing points of view on controversial or debatable subjects. The Haverford Township Free Library does not promulgate particular beliefs or views, nor does the selection of an item express or imply an endorsement of the author’s viewpoint. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, nor will items be sequestered, except for the purpose of protecting them from damage or theft.
Comments from members of the community about the collection or individual items in the collection frequently provide librarians with useful information about interests or needs that may not be adequately met by the collection. The library welcomes expression of opinion by customers, but will be governed by this Materials Selection Policy in making additions to or deleting items from the collection.
Customers who request the reconsideration of library materials will be asked to put their request in writing by completing and signing the form entitled “Request for Reconsideration of Library Material.” Upon receipt of a formal, written request, the Director will appoint an ad hoc committee from the professional staff including, but not limited to the selector for the subject area of the item in question and the appropriate Department Manager. The committee will make a written recommendation to the Director who will then make a decision regarding disposition of the material. The Director will communicate this decision and the reasons for it, in writing, to the person who initiated the request for reconsideration at the earliest possible date. The Director will inform the Board of Trustees of all requests for reconsideration of library materials and their disposition.
In the event that the person who initiated the request is not satisfied with the decision of the Director, she/he may appeal for a hearing before the Board of Trustees by making a written request to the President of the Board. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to limit the length of presentation and number of speakers at a hearing. The Board will determine whether the request for reconsideration has been handled in accordance with stated policies and procedures of the Haverford Township Free Library. On the basis of this determination, the Board may vote to uphold or override the decision of the Director.
Please download the Reconsideration form here.
Download the complete document here.
Approved by the Haverford Township Free Library Board of Trustees 7/16/03
Ultimate responsibility for materials selection rests with the Library Director who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Board of Trustees. The Library Director delegates to the Department Manager, the responsibility for collection development, the responsibility to work with the various sections within the library to accomplish mutual goals and responsibilities regarding the acquisition, cataloging, and processing of materials, and to promote consistency in the selection and maintenance of the materials collection. All professional staff members may participate in the selection of library materials.
The authority and responsibilities of the Department Manager to the Director consists of the following:
Authority to approve or disapprove selection recommendations from the selection librarians, other staff, and the public;
Authority to make final decisions on the withdrawal of circulating materials, the rebinding of books, repackaging of audiovisual materials, replacement orders, and the addition of gifts to the cataloged circulating collection;
Authority to review various collections in the library, evaluate the contents, and submit written reports to the Library Director;
Authority to initiate any weeding projects as a result of collection evaluations.
Download the complete document here.
Approved by the Haverford Township Free Library Board of Trustees 3/19/03
Delaware County Library System library cards are to be used only by the person to whom issued. When application is made, the applicant is agreeing to comply with the library’s borrowing policies. Parents or legal guardians must sign the application card for children 17 years old and younger. Adult borrowers may use their card to check out material for children under their care and supervision. Children may use their card to check out materials except for videos, DVDs, and CD-ROMs.
At certain times, the library may place limits on the quantity of material borrowed by one individual or household so that the limited resources of the collections can be made available to as many borrowers as possible.
Borrowing privileges may be suspended for cause or resumed for good reason at any point in the borrowing/fines/billing process.
Stolen library cards must be reported to the library. The library will immediately invalidate the card.
Download the complete document here.
Approved by the Haverford Township Free Library Board of Trustees 7/16/03
Selection is a discerning and interpretive process, involving a general knowledge of the subject and its important literature, a familiarity with the materials in the collection, and awareness of the bibliographies of the subject, and recognition of the needs of the community.
Literary merit; enduring value; accuracy; authoritativeness; social significance; importance of subject matter to the collection; timeliness; popular demand; cost; scarcity of material on the subject and availability elsewhere, quality and suitability of the format; other considerations may be applicable in specific subject areas. Selectors should choose materials that will build a well-rounded collection which includes all viewpoints and opinions and which will meet customers’ needs.
Selection tools will consist of professional journals; trade journals; subject bibliographies; publishers’ catalogs and promotional materials; reviews from reputable sources; lists of recommended titles; and sales representatives for specific materials. Purchase suggestions from customers are also an important source.
Standard review sources include but are not limited to the following: Booklist, Horn Book, Kirkus, Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, School Library Journal, Voya, Wilson Library Bulletin, New York Times Book Review.
The scope of the Haverford Township Free Library collection refers to the formats offered, the treatment, and the level of difficulty. Materials selected for the library collection are intended to meet the cultural, informational, educational, and recreational needs of the residents of Haverford and to meet the requirements mandated to be an Area Resource Center Library. The scope of the collection is intended to offer a choice of format, treatment, and level of difficulty so that the most individual library needs can be met and service given to individuals of all ages, within current budget parameters and constraints. The library encourages the use of interlibrary cooperation to better serve the needs of its clientele by expanding available resources. The collection scope is intended to provide only supplemental materials for individuals pursuing educational programs and a beginning point for those seeking more advanced information or materials. The emphasis is on acquiring materials of wide-ranging interest to the general public.
Download the complete document here.
Approved by the Haverford Township Free Library Board of Trustees 3/19/03
Haverford Township Free Library (HTFL) encourages and permits links to content on HTFL’s Web site, However, linking should not (a) suggest that HTFL promotes or endorses any third party's causes, ideas, political campaigns, Web sites, products or services, nor (b) use HTFL’s copyrighted information, logo, or trademarks, nor (c) use HTFL’s content for commercial or fundraising purposes. We would appreciate email notification to informing us of your link to our site.
External Links
Numerous external website links are provided on Visitors to those sites are advised to check the privacy statements of each site and to be cautious about providing personally identifiable information without a clear understanding of how the information will be used. Links from HTFL to third-party sites do not constitute an endorsement by HTFL of the parties or their products and services.
HTFL is not responsible for any content of any web or internet site that is not produced by HTFL staff members or volunteers. While HTFL makes every reasonable effort to assure that the websites linked from their site contain appropriate material, there is no guarantee that this will always be the case. Parents or guardians should exercise discretion and control over their minor children in the latter's use of the Internet.
In order to maintain an up-to-date, useful collection, worn and obsolete materials are continuously weeded. Materials may also be withdrawn if they are little used or superseded by a new edition or better work on the same subject. Depth and breadth of varying degrees are desirable in various areas of the collection. The Collection Development Policy serves as a guide for weeding and maintaining the collection as well as for the selection of materials.
Titles are withdrawn from the library’s collection through systematic weeding by selectors or because of loss or physical damage. Materials that are withdrawn because of loss or damage are reported to the appropriate selector who decides whether the item should be replaced using the same criteria as for selection. Other factors applicable when deciding on replacements include the number of copies of a title the library owns, the availability of newer materials on the subject, the importance of the work in its subject area, its listing in standard bibliographies, and its cost. Audiovisual materials that are withdrawn will be replaced in most cases with new, popular titles, as these collections are designed to meet current interest.
Systematic evaluation and weeding of the collection is required of every selector in order to keep the collection responsive to customers’ needs, to insure its vitality and usefulness to the community, and to make room for newer materials. For this reason, subject areas should be reassessed for relevancy and currency every two years, at a minimum, although certain areas may require more frequent review.
Weeding identifies damaged items, ephemeral materials that are no longer used, out-of-date materials, extra copies that are not being used, and materials that are inappropriate for the collection. Weeding also helps a selector evaluate the collection by identifying areas or titles where additional materials are needed, older editions which need to be updated, and subjects, titles, or authors that are no longer of interest to the community. Titles can be checked against standard bibliographies in the subject to see if the items have historical or literary value. Holdings that are readily accessible in other libraries may also be considered when making weeding decisions. Withdrawn materials that are in good condition will be put in the book sale. Materials withdrawn from the Reference collection that retain informational value may be transferred to the circulating collection, or offered to other libraries.
Download the complete document here.
Approved by the Haverford Township Free Library Board of Trustees 3/19/03
In accordance with the HTFL Behavior Policy the following information regarding young children is important to note:
Children under the age of 11 must not be left unattended on Library premises.
When an unattended or under-attended child is disruptive, appears to be a danger to herself or himself, appears to be threatened by others, appears to be ill or upset, or has not been met by a parent or caregiver at closing, library staff will attempt to contact the parent or guardian of the child. In the event that the parent or guardian cannot be located, staff will contact the Haverford Township Police Department. In the event of an emergency, staff will call 911.
Addendum Concerning the Behavior and Supervision of Minors and Children’s Areas of the Library
The Haverford Township Free Library welcomes children. Parents/caregivers are responsible for their child’s safety and behavior while in the Library whether the parent/caregiver is present or not. Library employees cannot function as caregivers, babysitters or act in a parental role.
For the safety and comfort of children, a responsible individual must accompany children under age eleven when they are using the Library. A responsible individual age 13 or older must accompany children under age 11 when they are using the Library. This responsible individual must supervise, guide and control the behavior of their charge or charges at all times.
When a child under 11 is unattended or under-attended, library staff will attempt to contact the parent/guardian of the child. If the parent/guardian cannot be located, staff will contact the police.
I. Introduction
This document sets forth the general policy and guidelines of the Haverford Township Free Library Association ("Library") with respect to the acceptance of gifts, donations and contributions. The provisions of these policies shall apply to all gifts received by the Library. Except as noted, the Library Director speaks on behalf of the Library. The Library is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
II. Library Gift Philosophy
The Board of Trustees ("Board") of the Library actively encourages gifts and contributions that will assist the Library in better serving the needs of the community. Acceptance of any gift is at the discretion of the Library. The Library will not accept any gift unless it can be used or expended consistently with the purpose and mission of the Library.
III. Library Mission and Objectives
The mission and objectives of the Haverford Township Free Library Association are as follows:
◦ To own, equip, operate, maintain, improve, manage and establish a public library for the literary, informational, and educational advancement and benefit of all residents and taxpayers of those municipalities that constitute Haverford Township and general vicinity, irrespective of their race, creed, color, sexual orientation, or national origin;
◦ To service the Haverford Township communities as a general center of reliable information;
◦ To provide opportunity and encouragement for people of all ages to educate themselves continuously;
◦ To cooperate with schools, groups, and agencies within the communities in promoting the use of library materials and in stimulating educational activities;
◦ To participate in the State, Regional, and District Library systems.
◦ To eschew pecuniary gain or profit, incidental or otherwise, to its Board of Trustees
◦ To provide area resource center services to Delaware County residents and Delaware County Library System members.
IV. Purpose
The purpose of this gift acceptance policy is to govern the acceptance of gifts and to provide guidance to donors and their professional advisors in completing gifts.
V. DonorRights
The Library adheres to the "Donor Bill of Rights" developed by the American Association of Fund Raising Counsel (AAFRC), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP):
VI. Types of Gifts
The Library will accept unrestricted gifts, and gifts for specified programs and purposes, provided that such gifts are consistent with its stated mission, objectives, and priorities. The Library will not accept gifts that are too restrictive in purpose. Gifts for purposes that are not consistent with the Library's objectives or consistent with its current or anticipated future programs cannot be accepted. Examples of gifts that are too restrictive are those that violate the terms of the Library Articles, Bylaws, gifts that are too difficult to administer, or gifts that are for purposes outside the objectives of the Library. All final decisions on the restrictive nature of a gift, and its acceptance or refusal, shall be made by the Library Director, after consulting with the President of the Board of Trustees who will determine whether board approval is desirable. In all cases gifts will be reported to the Board at its monthly meetings.
The Library accepts gifts of various kinds, such as gifts of cash and non-cash property, including marketable securities, life insurance, real property, tangible personal property, intangible personal property, business ownership interests and other non-cash property of value. No irrevocable gift, whether outright or life-income in character, will be accepted if under any reasonable set of circumstances the gift would jeopardize the donor's financial security.
A. Current Gifts
A current gift involves the donor's transfer of money or property to the Library, without the receipt of consideration or economic benefit. Although the donor may place restrictions on the use of the property, the donor must retain no control over the money or property transferred to the Library to qualify as a current gift. Gifts which may raise special obligations or liabilities of any kind must also be reviewed by the Library.
Examples of current gifts include cash, gifts-in-kind, library materials, real estate, publicly traded securities and tangible personal property.
1. Cash
All checks must be made payable to the Haverford Township Free Library Association and shall in no event be made payable to an employee, agent, or volunteer for the credit of the Library. Unrestricted gifts will be accepted by the Library. All restricted monetary gifts will be reviewed by the Library Director who will consult with the Board President who will determine whether it is desirable for the Board to approve. In all cases, the Board will be notified of such gifts at its monthly meetings. The Library in its discretion may accept cash donations via electronic means.
2. Gifts inKind
Gifts-in-Kind that provide services or consumables to the Library may be accepted by the Library Director. Gifts of equipment, goods, or services that relate to the mission and objectives of the Library are encouraged. Since proposed gifts-in-kind may place demand upon the Library in terms of special requirements (e.g., electrical, space, security, humidity control, maintenance, etc.), it is essential that the Library be notified in advance of all such potential donations. If it is determined that the Library is able to accept the donation, all pertinent information (e.g. value, general description, and purposes for which it will be used) will be forwarded to the Board. Obtaining proper valuation is the responsibility of the donor.
Appraisal costs cannot be borne by the Library.
3. Library Materials
Gifts of library materials may be accepted by any Library staff member and may be added to the library collection in accordance with the Library Collection Development Policy. Disposal of unacceptable or outdated items will be at the discretion of the Library.
4. Gifts of Real Estate
Gifts of real estate may be accepted only by the Board. No gift of real estate shall be accepted without first being properly appraised as to value and evaluated as to potential environmental and other problems, where appropriate, by a party(s) chosen by Library - those selected by the Library shall have no business or other relationship to the donor.
The primary purpose of the initial environmental review of the property is to ensure that the property has no environmental damage. In the event that the initial inspection reveals a potential problem, the Library shall retain a qualified inspection firm to conduct an environmental audit. The cost of the environmental audit shall generally be an expense of the donor.
In general, real estate will be accepted only if it is likely to be readily marketable and is not likely to involve significant carrying charges, potential or actual liability, or administrative burdens before it can be sold. Any real estate accepted by Library will be sold as promptly as possible. The Board may make exceptions to these real estate policies in particular cases.
The acceptance of real estate encumbered by mortgages, judgments, liens and other problems again requires written approval by the Board. When appropriate, a title binder shall be obtained by the Library prior to the acceptance of the real property gift.
5. Gifts of Publicly Traded Securities
Marketable securities may be transferred to an account maintained at one or more brokerage firms or delivered physically with the transferor's signature or stock power attached.
As a general rule, all publicly traded securities shall be sold upon receipt unless otherwise directed by the Board. In some cases, marketable securities may be restricted by applicable securities laws; in such instance the final determination on the acceptance of the restricted securities shall be made by the Board.
If potential problems arise on initial review of the security, further review and recommendation by an outside professional may be sought before making a final decision on acceptance of the gift. The Library Director and the Board with the advice of legal counsel shall make the final determination on the acceptance of marketable securities when necessary.
6. Tangible Property
The Library will only accept gifts of tangible personal property that relate directly to its mission and objectives. The Library shall examine the potential gift of personal property for its financial value, its potential use by the Library or whether the item could be sold quickly and converted to cash.
The Library will not accept jewelry, artwork, collections, and other tangible personal property unless the employee, agent or volunteer reviewing the gift on behalf of the Library has reason to believe the property has a value in excess of $500.00.
The Library will not accept tangible personal property unless there is reason to believe the property can be sold quickly, nor will it accept personal property that the Library is obligated to own in perpetuity. The Library will not accept perishable property or property that requires special facilities or security to safeguard properly without prior written approval of the Board.
The Library may accept tangible personal property only after the Board receives and reviews a qualified appraisal of the property.
The Library Director may represent to a donor on behalf of the Board that property will or will not be held by the Library for a requisite period of time or for purposes related to its tax-exempt status. Donors should be notified at the time of receipt of a gift that the Library will, as a matter of policy, cooperate fully in all matters related to tax investigations of non-cash charitable gifts.
B. Split Interest Gifts
A split-interest gift involves the donor's irrevocable transfer of an interest in an asset to the Library, but the donor generally retains either an income stream or the remainder interest. The planned giving program may include the following types of split-interest gifts - Charitable Remainder Trusts; Charitable Gift Annuities; Deferred Payment Charitable Gift Annuities. All split-interest gifts are subject to the approval of the Board.
1. Charitable Remainder Trusts
In general, the Library will not serve as trustee of a charitable remainder trust for the benefit of the institution. This policy may be waived only by approval of the Board.
The Library will identify a number of corporate fiduciaries in which it has confidence. However, the Library will not recommend a particular fiduciary to a donor.
The Library will pay the fees for management of a charitable remainder trust only upon approval of the Board.
The Board and other employees and volunteers who act on behalf of the Library should become familiar with the types of property generally accepted by corporate fiduciaries as suitable contributions to charitable remainder trusts.
Employees and other persons acting on behalf of the Library shall not make representations as to the manner in which charitable remainder trust assets will be managed or invested by a corporate fiduciary.
Charitable remainder trusts and all other deferred gifts shall be encouraged as a method the donor may use to make gifts to the Library while retaining income he or she may need for any number of personal purposes. Such trusts shall not be recommended as tax avoidance devices or as investment vehicles.
2. Charitable Gift Annuities and Deferred Payment Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable gift annuities and deferred payment charitable gift annuities must be approved by the Board prior to acceptance.
Donor transfers are part charitable gift and part purchase of an annuity depending on the age of the annuitant(s). A minimum of $10,000.00 is required.
Gift annuity rates of return shall be those most recently approved by the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) at the time of the gift.
3. Pooled Income Funds
The Library may in the future establish a pooled income fund.
In the event that the Library establishes a pooled income fund, these gift acceptance policies will be amended to include policies regarding the acceptance of contributions to the fund and the administration and management of the funds.
C. Charitable Bequests.
A charitable bequest involves the donor's transfer of money or property to the charity at the donor's death, either through the donor's will or trust. The donor uses or controls the asset during his or her entire lifetime.
1. Gifts of Life Insurance
The Library will encourage donors to name the Library as a total or partial beneficiary of insurance policies they have purchased on their lives. The Library must be named as both beneficiary and irrevocable owner of an insurance policy before a life insurance policy can be recorded as a gift.
If the donor does not elect to continue to make gifts to cover premium payments on the life insurance policy, the Library may:
▪ continue to pay premiums
▪ convert the policy to paid-up insurance, or
▪ surrender the policy for its current cash value.
The Library will not agree to accept gifts from donors for the purpose of purchasing life insurance on their lives without prior approval of the Board. In no event shall insurance be purchased unless the Library has demonstrated an insurable interest under applicable state law.
The Library may not endorse particular insurance companies or products for use in funding gifts to the Library. In no event shall a representative of the Library furnish lists of donors to anyone for the purpose of marketing life insurance for the benefit of donors or the Library.
2. Bequests
Bequests intended for the Library should be made to the Haverford Township Free Library Association.
In the event of inquiry by a prospective donor, representations as to the future acceptability of property proposed to be left to the Library in a will or by other deferred gifts shall be made by the Board.
Gifts from the estates of deceased donors consisting of property the Library cannot accept shall be rejected only by action of the Board. The legal counsel of the Library will timely communicate the decision of the Board to the legal representatives of the estate. Any dissatisfaction with the decision of the Board indicated by any representative of the estate or any family member of the deceased shall be communicated to the Board as quickly as possible.
Where possible, intended bequests of property other than cash or marketable securities should be brought to the attention of the Board.
Bequests will not be recorded as gifts to the Library until such time as the gift is irrevocable. When the gift is irrevocable, but is not due until a future date, the present value of that gift may be recorded at the time the gift becomes irrevocable.
3. Unrestricted Bequests
Unrestricted bequests for the general purposes of the Library are preferred. Should the donor specify that the principal be used to create a new endowment fund, the request will be directed to the Board for special handling. The Board shall use its discretion in determining the acceptability of creating a requested endowment.
Restricted bequests intend to allow donors to support and promote special interests and may be accepted upon approval of the Board. The Library recommends that any specified purposes be described as broadly as possible and that detailed limitations and restrictions be avoided where possible. The Board should be consulted before a proposal to establish a restricted bequest is made. The right to refuse a gift, as defined in the Restricted Gifts paragraph (XII) is reserved.
Donors are asked to recognize that over time, the needs, policies and circumstances at the Library may change in unforeseen ways. To serve the best interests of the Library's service population, the Board should be given the ability to make use of funds while continuing to memorialize or honor the person for whom the endowment is named.
VII. Legal and Financial Counsel
All donors should seek his or her own legal or financial counsel and other professional advisors before making a gift. Similarly, all donors should obtain their own advisors in matters related to their gifts and resulting tax and estate planning consequences. The Library cannot advise donors in legal or tax matters nor endorse particular legal representatives to represent donors for the purpose of making gifts to the Library.
There could be circumstances in which the Library will engage its own legal counsel to assist the Library with a gift. Counsel may be especially needed when a proposed gift is governed by contract or legal documents; where there are potential conflicts of interest, and gifts that are closely held stock subject to buy-sell agreements or other restrictions.
VIII. Payment of Fees Related to Gifts
A. Finder's Fees or Commissions
The Library will pay no fee or commission of any kind to a party as consideration for directing a gift to the Library.
B. Professional Fees
The Library may from time to time retain and pay the reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys, accountants, appraisers, and other professional advisors in connection with gifts to the Library. In such cases, it shall be understood that such professional advisors are representing the Library.
In particular cases, with the prior approval of the Board, the Library may agree to pay the fees and expenses of professional advisors retained by the donor. In such cases, it shall be understood that such advisors are representing the donor. The donor shall be informed that payment of such fees may result in taxable income to the donor.
IX. Fundraisers
The Library Director must first approve fundraising efforts by unrelated groups that utilize the Library name and Library logo. The Library may assist groups with fund raising by providing some key support services and public relations assistance.
Proposals for fund raising activities by other organizations to benefit the Library should be submitted to the Library Director. The Library Director will make the decision based in part upon the compatibility of the organization and its proposed activity with the Library's mission, and timing of the proposed activity in the context of other Library fund raising activities. The Library Director will also consider questions of perceived library endorsement of the organization's product, service or message in making its decision. Once the proposal is approved for submission the Library Director will notify the President of the Board who will determine whether it is desirable for the Board to grant final approval. In all cases, the Board will be notified at its monthly meetings.
The Library may also work jointly with certain organizations for fund raising events. In that event, the other group cannot speak for and is not an agent of the Library; nor can the other organization legally bind the Library.
In general, the Library will not serve as a collection point or agent for fund raising activities that benefit other institutions or programs. Some exceptions may be made based on the requesting organization's relationship with the Library and/or the relationship of its mission to the Library's. All such requests must be submitted to the Library Director for approval.
X. Valuation of Non-Monetary Gifts
Neither the Library staff nor the Board will issue a written or verbal statement of monetary value to the donor of non-monetary gifts, though the deemed value of the gift may be a factor in accepting the donation. Where recognition is dependent upon the
value of a gift - whether a gift in kind, a book or collection of books or other type of non- monetary gift - an independent, qualified appraisal may be initiated by the prospective donor and at the donor's expense. As a courtesy, the library staff may offer donors, at the latter's request, pricing source materials or provide a list of appraisers. The Library may provide, on request, a letter of acknowledgment to a donor describing the gift and its apparent condition.
XI. Recognition and Reporting ofGifts
The Library will acknowledge in writing all gifts that have been finally accepted. All gifts will be recognized as required by law and in an appropriate manner as determined by the Library. In addition, the Library Director on behalf of the Board will be responsible for timely communication to the prospective donor when a gift is not accepted.
With respect to anonymous gifts, the Library will restrict information about the donor to only those staff and members with a need to know. However, while the Library will strive to honor a request for anonymity, such anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
XII. Restricted Gifts
The Library will make a reasonable attempt to honor the donor's wishes in the use of gifts accepted by the Library. Gifts made to specialized funds or earmarked for specific building or other projects will be tracked separately and expended accordingly. The Library may accept gifts restricted by donors, provided the nature of the restriction is consistent with the Library's overall programs or, in the case of property gifts, the donor restrictions will be stated in writing and retained on file at the Library.
However, the Library Director and the Board reserves the right to refuse any gift the conditions or source of which are not compatible with the Library's mission or which compromise the Library's collection development or other policies.
XIII. Unrestricted Gifts
Unrestricted monetary gifts may be placed in the Library's general operating fund and used as part of the general budget process.
XIV. Limitations
Notwithstanding the above, if future circumstances change, or the donor fails to fulfill his pledge obligation, or the purpose for which the donation was originally intended becomes illegal, impractical, or no longer meets the needs of the Library, the Board
may, at its discretion, designate an alternative use in the spirit of the donor's original intent for the gift to further the objectives of the Library.
The Library strives to meet all of its tax and legal obligations - including those described in IRS Publication 1771 (Rev. 3-2016). Should any provision in this Gift Acceptance Policy conflict with those IRS provisions or any other legal requirements, the policy will be subservient to such other proper authorities.